Member manors
Kairėnai Manor
Kairėnų g. 43, Vilnius
Manager – Botanical Garden of Vilnius University
Dvaro adresas: Kairėnų g. 43, Vilnius, LT-10239
The Vilnius University Botanical Garden represents an interesting and valuable complex that includes the archaeological, the architectural, the landscape design monuments, introduced flora (more than 10000 plant names) and community of natural flora and fauna.
The oldest place is the 4-7th centuries AD Baltic barrow (archeological site). Kairenai estate dates come back to 1545. Over the years estate was changed from renaissance architecture and regular park to classicism architecture and English style park. Now estate complex of 19th century is protected: buildings and landscape - old park with 14 ponds system. The heritage makes the Garden more attractive, visitors get acquainted not only with plants, but also with the history and architecture of the country.
It is a wonderful educational space where botanical and ecological knowledge are imported to students, schoolchildren and adults through interesting educational activities - guided tours, academic events, lectures, exhibitions, fairs and workshops. The Garden has a well-developed and visitor–frendly infrastructure.
More information at
Tel. +370 5 219 3139